Lend a Helping Hand

  I've been reading some other posts and noticing an increasing number of frustrated teachers and some that are even considering leaving the profession.  I believe that teaching is a noble profession. However, at times, it is also one that will try even the most patient person. Demands are increasing, while resources are diminishing.  It seems that most educators are being asked to spend more of their time and money for school-related activities (and did I mention meetings?). 
As I was thinking on these things, a former principal came to mind. He was a man of integrity. He supported his staff and often served as a buffer between us and unnecessary expectations. He believed in guiding and being supportive, but also in getting out of the way and letting teachers teach. Unfortunately, he moved on and a new principal moved in. One without a great deal of experience, and, in my opinion, not much integrity.  We went from a school with top test scores, low turn-over, and happy days to the lowest test scores in our area, high teacher turn-over, and low morale.  
Education is important and quality educators are vital to our future. In a toxic environment everyone loses. On the contrary,  in a healthy environment everyone wins.  
I don't have all the answers (I don't have any, really). But I will say that we need to stick together, encourage one another, and help each other out. Everyone needs a helping hand or a smile.  Sometimes that can make all the difference. Remember why we choose teaching as our profession. Be there for each other.  Listen. Sometimes the small things make all the difference. And don't forget to take some time to recharge yourself. Make time.  My most refreshing times are when I spend time praying and sharing my concerns with my Savior. It always diminishes my worries and adds to my joys.  I can't fix all the problems facing educators, but I can make a decision to keep a smile on my face and joy in my heart.  

1 comment

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for these words. They are EXACTLY what our staff needs right now.


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