Rice Krispy Treats

Whoever said life is easy, hasn't made Rice Krispy treats.  My husband kept hinting that he would really, really like to have some. Actually, he didn't hint, he came right out and said "I'd really like some Rice Krispy treats."  I bought the cereal- some off brand because I am frugal (cheap) and decided to use the marshmallows that we had taken camping. We didn't use them so they (the marshmallows) just rode in the HOT camper to the campsite and back home again in the HOT camper.  They were sticky. I had to cut the package away from them, but I couldn't throw them away because I am frugal (cheap). The directions said to melt the butter first and then add the marshmallows, stirring until they melted. Well... I don't read directions. How hard can it be to make Rice Krispy treats?  I put the butter in a pan and the sticky mass of marshmallows on top and turned the burner on high. I did have the sense to stick around to watch it melt. Good thing I did!  The butter started sizzling and the sticky clump of marshmallows seemed more determined than ever to stick together. I turned down the heat and kept stirring to break it up. The butter turned brown. I removed the pan from the stove. I kept stirring. Nothing. It seemed dry so I added more butter. And more butter. I finally decided it was time to read the directions. Low heat. Okay, so I overheated the butter a little. All of the marshmallows we had were in that pan and I wasn't going to throw it out because I am frugal (cheap). I finally gave up trying to get the mess to melt and dumped in the cereal. I didn't measure it. I guess I should have because it didn't take the whole box. About half would have worked fine. I stirred for what seemed like forever until I thought it looked okay. I got out my 9 x 13 baking dish and sprayed it  and dumped the concoction in it. Then I tried to press it down, after all that is what the directions said to do. I missed the part where it said to put butter on your hands. Finally, the treats were in the baking dish, my hands were clean, and so was the floor (where some of the mess had landed when it shot out of the pan while I was stirring).  About 30 minutes later, my husband came into the kitchen. He was pleasantly surprised to see what I had made for him. Luckily he was able to cut them and eat them without losing any teeth.   He had no idea what I went through to make those treats, but I guess it was worth it.

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