Labor Day

 By now most of you are winding down from your day's activities. The three day week-end is almost over  (I just had to remind you, right?).  I'm not sure who enjoys school holidays more- the kids or the teachers.  'Back in the day', school didn't start until after Labor Day. Then, as I grew older and school started earlier and earlier, we had a Labor Day 'mini-vacation'. In my younger years, the term labor concerned me. One of my teachers explained that the word labor meant to work hard, to achieve something, to accomplish something meaningful. Didn't sound like fun to me. A day off to work?? No, thank you! 
Once I became a teacher Labor Day took on a whole new meaning.  It became a much needed three day week-end to recuperate from the first few days of school. After all, it takes awhile to get your body and mind back on school time. In spite of needing rest, I've always used every minute to prepare for the weeks ahead.  I can't seem to follow my own advice- rest and relax. You would find me preparing meals in advance to make school night dinners easier, writing lesson designs, folding laundry, pre- reading books for my students, and making to-do lists (I confess, I'm a list maker!), because Tuesday comes all to soon!  
But this Labor Day started a little differently. Things have been very dry and I have been praying for some much needed rain. I woke at 5 am to the sound of rain on the roof. I drifted back off with a smile on my face and woke up an hour later. The rain was still coming down. I was so thankful for my answered prayer. I made the decision to not hit the floor running. I decided to lay there and listen to the rain. After all, this was my day to rest. One peaceful thought did occur to me this morning. The words of Christ, "Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest."  I did rest this morning and I continued enjoying this beautiful rainy day. Just another gift from my heavenly Father. 
I hope you enjoyed your day and found time to rest.  

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