5 ways to survive the holiday season

I'll keep this short and sweet since I know we are all in the whirlwind of activity. These suggestions are in no particular order. They are just some common sense suggestions that I have found helpful -when I do them!

 #1.  Be reasonable in your expectations of yourself. Don't say "yes" when you should be saying "no". There is nothing dishonorable about telling someone no.  It is far better to realize your limitations and say no, rather than say yes and feel like a failure when you weren't able to live up to expectations.

#2. Organize!!!  Organize!!! Organize!!!  I know you've heard it a million times, but it works. I'm an organization freak!  Even my freezer is alphabetically organized - beef, chicken, pork- 3rd shelf down.  My pantry is organized - all vegetables together, facing front, oldest to the front, and yes, they are 'sorta' alphabetized. You don't have to take organization to this extreme, but it sure helps when you are flying around the kitchen and need to grab a can or this or a carton of that. It saves looking-time later.

#3. No one is the Proverbs 31 woman.  I used to think that I had to do everything that the Proverbs 31 woman did in one day. Not possible! I was setting myself up for disaster. Some days I don't rise before dawn. And some days I am doing good to get the laundry from the washer to the dryer.  The Proverbs 31 woman had help- she delegated. Ask members of your family for help. Even small acts (like folding the clothes in the dryer) help. Give yourself permission to not be perfect. I once heard a nurse, who was on a back-to-back 12 hour shift, tell her colleague, "My husband and kids complained this morning that I didn't fix them a hot breakfast. I told them if they wanted a hot breakfast, to put their cereal in the microwave."  I thought this was both hilarious and to the point. We can't do everything- sometimes your kids will have to eat cold cereal and sometimes the laundry will have to stay in the dryer. It's okay. Even though the kids might not like it and the laundry may be wrinkled, it isn't going to be physically painful or damaging.

#4. Pray without ceasing. Don't beat yourself up because you fall asleep in your prayers at night or oversleep and don't have time for morning devotionals. While this isn't healthy physically or spiritually, God sees you and understands. He is just waiting for you to call out for help. Sometimes the only thing I can say is "Jesus, I need You."  That's enough. Whether you are backed up in traffic or breaking up WWIII at home, God hears.  Being thankful and praising is an instant way to have an attitude adjustment. Positive Attitude = Positive Production. We all tend to be at our best when we have a positive attitude.

#5.  Breathe.  You may have a million things to do in 24 hours, but make one of those things time for you. Breathe. Even 5 minutes still can make a world of difference.  Take a deep breath. Rest. Enjoy. Slow down. You've got this!

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