First Day Jitters

We have all had them.  It doesn't matter if you have taught 15 years, 50 years, or 5 minutes. Jitters. What will this year be like?  The fear of the unknown.  You prepare. You plan. But it all comes down to that first day in the classroom. 
My grandfather was a wise man. He was my best friend and confidant. He knew I was a worrier and often told me, "Worry is like a rocking chair. It takes a lot of effort, but gets you nowhere."  I'm not sure where he picked up this nugget of wisdom, but I have always reminded myself of it when worry creeps in.  Why spend my effort worrying when I can be productive?  David offers these comforting words in Psalms,  
                  " But you, O Lord, are a shield around me,
                 my glory, and the one who lifts my head high."Take heart, you are not in this alone.  God will be your shield and your guide. Now, I know you are thinking,  " A shield?  Just what have I gotten myself into?" I'm not talking about a shield of metal to protect you from incoming, but a shield of strength and wisdom to guide you through your day.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to undertake any endeavor without God as my shield. 

Before-School- Starts Tip:
 I "borrowed" this from a wise friend.  While you are working in your classroom, take a moment to pray. Ask God to be present in your room this year: to give you wisdom when trying to determine the best method to reach a difficult child (or parent), to give you ideas or resources, to bless your efforts, to lead you in solutions, to give you joy each day in learning along with your students.  What a difference this will make in your year!  

Coming soon.......... some decorative craft ideas and a "game" that will take 2-3 days of your first week- a great way to get your school year started! 

1 comment

  1. This is perfect! You have combined your love of God with your love and experience in education! The possibilities are endless; keep up the wonderful job!


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