Not Everyone Can Be a Kindergarten Teacher!

They are so cute. It would be just like playing all day.  They say such adorable things. They are precious. They are so tiny. That is until you are left alone in a room of 28 of them. Then they aren't so cute.  They are exhausting. At first, the charm hadn't worn off, but after the first 20 minutes, I found myself in 'no man's land'.  "No, my mom didn't come with me today."  "Yes, I'm older than 10."  "Don't put that in your mouth."  You get the picture. Chaos. Charming, but still chaos. An on-looker would have (and should have) laughed. I was way out of my league. I thought teaching public school for over 20 years had prepared me for this. I thought the only qualification you needed was loving kids. I was wrong. Nothing prepares you for kindergarten!

First, I need to apologize to my kindergarten teacher and her family. I was incorrigible. I confess, that I didn't drink my milk. I poured it down the drain, and yes, I marked on another student.  I did not sleep during nap time. I did try to tell you how to do your job. I did talk. Constantly. But, hey! I was cute. I could tie my shoes. I loved the snack time cookies. I was social. This older me couldn't have handled the younger me. Now, I know why my mom has gray hair. Sorry, Mom!

Come to think of it, any primary grade is exhausting. Being a teacher does not qualify you to be in a room full of little humans under the age of seven. Being a mother doesn't qualify you. Being a warm, breathing being doesn't qualify you. I am convinced that it takes special qualifications (of which, I do not possess) to face this ordeal day in and day out.  And, they look so happy. Every primary teacher (well, almost) that I have encountered has that Perpetual Smile on her face. They just ooze happiness. I think they drink sugar instead of coffee in the morning. They are also perky, cute (to match the little people), and love to sing. Did I mention that I hate to sing. Singing is not my thing, although I do a lot of it in my car and sound remarkably like Adele.  Speaking of singing... I'm going to sing myself to sleep. I could sure use a nap after today!

Have an awesome week-end!
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