Entitled Teachers

In this age of entitlement, when so many of us spend our days with entitled kids and parents, I thought it would be nice to imagine what it would be like if the tables were turned.  Entitled teachers.
That's right. Teachers with entitlement.

Let's start with a coffee bar. If I have to be up at the crack of dawn with a smile on my face, caffeine is a must.  And, let's add some chocolate. What is a day without chocolate?  Not much of a day!  And did I forget to mention that we need time to enjoy our cappuccinos, lattes, and coffees?

Okay, now that my day is off to a good start let's talk about lunch duty. No. I need my entire lunch time to recharge. That means I need to spend time with people closer to my age. People that will understand my need to unwind.  Lunch duty just adds to my stress, not to mention it is affecting my hearing and digestion.  Eating  in 10 minutes or less, while standing, is detrimental to my health.

Speaking of duties, let's re-negotiate recess duty.  I don't deserve to stand outside in all types of weather watching kids yelling and screaming.  I should be protected from this type of exposure.  I spend priceless hours enriching the minds of our future generation.  I spend extravagant amounts of time preparing these educational treasures. I need every minute of my school day to create these treasures. Recess duty? No way. Find someone else that isn't as entitled.  Speaking of these lessons...   I put my best effort into every lesson I create and I execute it with precise expertise. With that said, I am entitled to some compensation.  Benefits and chocolate gratefully accepted.

Meetings are a thing of my past. Entitled people do not attend meetings. Not before school. After school. Or on professional development days. Entitled people do not need development.  Entitled people are development.  We are a work in progress. We are the epitome of professionalism.  We don't need someone telling us what we already know.

Entitled teachers are entitled to larger budgets. A budgets that actually looks like a budget. A budget that will allow me to purchase all of the items that are necessary for my classroom.  Not some minuscule amount that just anybody would receive, but something substantial. Something that will allow me to showcase my spectacular  lessons.  I would like to receive it before school closes for the surface.  I need time to shop.

I'm sure there are more items that entitled teachers deserve, but I think this is a good start.

Yes, it is that time of year again!

New Salem Witch Trials

If you haven't tried Boom Cards,  take a look at the preview for this new resource.  They are awesome!
Math Boom Cards

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