What's the difference between kindergarten and a high school?
About 10 years.  Upon reaching high school a teen can look back and see that it wasn't so very long ago that they were learning how to hold a crayon and tie their shoes.

Kinders are shorter. They talk funny. They laugh at themselves.  They're cute.  They look cute. They talk cute. They wear cute clothes.  They don't know how to cut or glue or put their shoes on the right feet. Everything (and I mean everything) is a big deal.

Teens, the taller version of a kinder, thinks they're cute. They laugh at others. Their style is undeveloped.  They cut and paste on digital devices. Everything (and I mean everything) revolves around them.

Tall and short, both love to be the center of attention. Your laughter is the fuel that keeps them going. Give them an inch and they'll steal the show.  Teens use this as a way to divert the teacher, who will hopefully forget the assignment. Kinders use it to sneak into your heart.

Both ask questions, but kinders have the monopoly on Why, Where, and When.  All kids will tell you just about anything you wanted to know and lots you don't want to know. Kinders don't have a filter. Yet. Some kids never get a filter. No matter how tall they get.  Teens have perfected the art of saying a lot of nothing. Need some advice on how to beat around the bush? Take lessons from a teen.

Both have attitude. Have you ever seen a 5 year old put their hand on their hip and roll their eyes?  Cute? Yes. Surprising?  Not so much. Future smart aleck? Probably.  Should this be corrected? Absolutely (after you stop laughing).

When you stop and think about it there isn't that much different.  They are all kids seeking love and attention.  They are all kids hoping to be good or do good. On something.  They just go about it differently.

Need something for younger ones?

Nonfiction Boom Cards

Complete Unit! 

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I had a bad day this week. I let my stress seep out to my kids. In other words, I took it out on them. Not the first time and, sadly, probably not the last.  I had, as one teacher said, bit off more than I could chew. In fact, I was choking. Up to my neck in paper mâché, paint, ribbons, and hot glue. I could barely breath let alone have any patience.

I kept pushing through my day. Having some small successes and disasters.  The kids that got it missed my sharp tongue. The others weren't so lucky.  I dismissed it at the time because these kids just don't care. No matter what I do. No matter how hard I try. No matter what I give them. No matter how much time I invest. Nothing seems to make a difference. Nothing seems to make them care.

The same colleague that pointed out the reason for my stress, also filled me in on the kids that were driving me crazy.  She started telling me about their homes. Their lives. And as she talked, my justification melted like snow and I began sinking smaller and smaller.

These kids didn't care because what I was teaching was not helping them survive their circumstances. They are in survival mode. They have learned that life isn't kind. They are afraid to trust. They don't know how to show me that they care or that they are interested.  And, I, too wrapped up in my own problems, didn't open my eyes to their plight.

A wise teacher once told me that all kids need hugs. Not just the clean ones or the funny ones or the ones that hug back. All of them. Even if they are dirty. Even if they are angry. Even if they give me dirty looks.   They are kids. They may use words to lash out. They may be apathetic. But that doesn't give me the right to be.  I have to remember to take a deep breath, thank God for my many blessings, and pass on that grace.

I'm also thankful that I have another chance to make things right.

Kids of all ages love Christmas. Make this season bright with these fun resources.

A complete reading unit! 

All about jingle bells! 

And this new one for older kids (grades 8th -10th)

Suspenseful Fiction & Engaging Nonfiction

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Love is not always gentle. Sometimes love has to be tough. Love is not always quiet. Sometimes love has to be loud. Love may cry. Love will laugh. Love is always fair. Always willing to admit a mistake. Love is something we all need to use a little more of when we enter the classroom.

I'll admit it isn't always easy to love everyone all the time. There is always that one  kid that gets on your nerves. Or the one who tattles constantly.  Or the perfect child whose parent pushes you to the edge. But you have a choice. Let bitterness, fatigue, differing opinions eat away at you or hang on to hope and teach with love.

We have too much anger. Too much division. Too much "my way or the highway." We can keep pushing for our agenda. We can keep pushing for all of our students to agree with us. Or we can show them sportsmanship and compassion. Love in action. We can show them that people of differing opinions can work together and respect each other.  We can show our students that we love regardless of ethnicity, politics, or religion.

Regardless of what we are called, facilitators, guides, or teachers, we lead our children. We model for them.  They look up to us.  They depend on us. We can't let them down. Have we? Some news reports indicate that teachers are falling into the political arena in order to convert their students. This is unacceptable. We may not agree with our students or their parents political affiliations, but have to respect them. That is what is wrong with our nation. No one is being a good sport. We're all acting like a bunch of sore losers. And entitled brats.  We don't even treat each other with respect. What kind of lesson are we teaching our kids?

I don't know about you, but I'd rather my kids learned to love and respect others regardless of what they believe, what they look like,  or if they agree.  I don't want my kids to learn hate. Not from me.

Teach any age using picture books!

A Christmas Favorite 

A Timeless Classic

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Prize: $100 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card
Giveaway Organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher)
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter.  Giveaway ends 11/13/18 and is open worldwide.
Are you a Teacher Blogger or Teachers pay Teachers seller who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your store and social media?  Click here to find out how you can join our totally awesome group of bloggers! 

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My clock and I have a love/hate relationship.  In fact, I can't find much love in it. I've tried an attitude adjustment. I've tried telling myself that I don't hate hearing the alarm when the rest of the world is still quietly sleeping. I've tried telling myself that it is healthy to get up early.  I don't believe myself.

There is nothing positive about getting up in the dark. Nothing. Consequently, my favorite day of the year is Fall Back Sunday.  One extra hour. Bliss. Especially after a week of full moon followed by Halloween.  Come to think of it, one hour won't be enough.

I secretly question the honesty and sanity of people who say they enjoy the morning. Or people who say they even get up early on their days off. What is wrong with these people?  Maybe their mattress is lumpy. Yes, that is definitely the problem. No one. And I mean no one. Gets up before daylight of their own free will because they want to. Something pushes them out of pleasant dreams into the world of reality.

I have to set not one alarm, but two. Two alarms to ring this body into an upright position.  How am I? Vertical. That is about as good as it is going to get until I've had some caffeine and reminded myself how many days until sleep-in Saturday.  Then my eyelids begin to open and my brain begins to function.  I can think again.

Even the mere name 'morning person' brings up scary images in my brain.  Someone chipper with a cheery smile. Someone who is perky and bubbly who goes around saying good morning with a smile plastered all over their face.  Have they ever thought of toning it down a bit? Maybe they could start off with hello and slowly move to good morning.
I'll bet they even jingle!
Nonfiction Flip Books 

By the way, my second favorite day of the year. Snow Day.
Nonfiction passages about Snow! 

Prize: $100 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card
Giveaway Organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher)
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter.  Giveaway ends 11/13/18 and is open worldwide.
Are you a Teacher Blogger or Teachers pay Teachers seller who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your store and social media?  Click here to find out how you can join our totally awesome group of bloggers! 

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