
I admit that I am fascinated with fall.  This has to be one of the prettiest falls  that we've had in years. I am relishing the vibrant colors and the daily changes.  The landscape seems like a quilt that is constantly changing under the Master's needle.  Throw in the full moon and a herd of deer and you have a photographer's dream. 

My husband and I went out for a drive so we could enjoy the beautiful fall foliage.  As we came down a long sloping curve, I noticed a cluster of leaves caught up in the edy of a small whirlwind. They came swirling across, in front of us, before scattering in all directions.  How many times have I felt like that swirl of leaves: being pushed along in directions I don't want to go;  having no direction; being in too much of a hurry to enjoy where I am; or flying off in all different directions. 

I know that it is easy, as a teacher, to feel more frustrated at this time of year. We are juggling our jobs and  home life.  There are more family gatherings that soon feel like obligations.  We have the end-of-semester grades and conferences and lessons to wrap up before the holiday season.  Somehow, we end up in a mad rush to the end-of-year finish line.  

I let myself get wrapped up in the day-to-day activities and forget to slow down and enjoy the gifts that I have been given.  I let frustration and fatigue sneak in and rob me of my present joy. God has a way of getting our attention, even when we get distracted with "life".  He has a way of gently nudging us back in the right direction, of guiding us. We just need to listen. 

I know that school will distract me and I will feel pressure, but I also plan on taking time to listen and be thankful. I want time with my family to be a memory, not an obligation.  

 I'm not a good listener, but I am working on it. I 'm learning to take time to listen to that "small, still voice".  I'm learning to rest and to enjoy each moment.  I don't want to be like the leaves that are scattered in every direction.  

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