Who are you afraid of? The principal whose face never betrays his true thoughts? The bossy teacher down the hall? The parent who only calls to complain?
What are you afraid of? Not having all the right answers? Not being able to keep up?
Do you feel that the only way to get support is to buy a girdle?
Well, step right up and join the crowd. There is a growing list of things to fear in the world of a teacher.
But, who, just who, is the child afraid of? No one. Before you get bent out of shape let me rephrase the question. Who does the child respect? That is the kind of fear that I am referring to... respect. Students today are running the school using the age old fear manipulative. They don't have respect for their teachers, parents, or peers. Kids are smart. They catch on really quick when a teacher's hands are tied (figuratively). They know that all they have to do is exaggerate or outright lie to get mom and dad on their side and the fight is on. Then, they step back to the sidelines to watch. We all know who wins.
And, if this is known, why is it allowed? Because Everyone is Afraid of the Student. School Boards and Superintendents don't want to risk upsetting the child's parents, who are community members and tax payers. Someone who might spread negative things on social media. The principal can't risk upsetting his superiors and losing his position. The teachers can't risk discipline and maintaining a structured classroom (where learning takes place) because they don't have support.
An endless cycle. Few like it. No one is comfortable in it, but no one is brave enough to end it. At the end of the day, in this type of environment (and yes, I know that all schools are not like this- I've had the privilege of working in some) the ones who lose are the ones that are trying to do what is right and the bully wins, the one who lacks respect for others. They are the winner until they grow up and realize that not everyone in the world makes a place for those who believe they are entitled.
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