All of the sites I accessed were biased. They all touted their own agenda by focusing on what they felt was the most damaging or the most positive. I just wanted the facts so that I can make my own educated decision. Not easy, once you wade through all the propaganda! But I persevered and I hope that I don't fall into the trap of simply stating my opinion, but offer some facts so that you can make your own decisions. Keep in mind, the information I am presenting is based solely on my research. Sources are listed at the bottom.
So... for starters I looked at comments made by those who opposed her (and yes, there was plenty to choose from). I found two repeating themes: 1. She is not qualified. 2. She wants to privatize education. Let's start with the first concern. Those who participated in the confirmation hearings have stated that she is not qualified for the job. I thought a biography would be the place to start in looking at her qualifications, but this didn't prove easy to locate. The one I really wanted to access has been taken down so I searched through three more sites that offered biographies. Her qualifications in the area of education are lacking. Nowhere did I find that she held a teaching degree or had ever taught. I did find that she sat on committees or boards that were education related. She also homeschooled at least two of her four children. None of her children attended public school. After a season of homeschooling her daughters, all four children followed in their mother's footsteps and attended private schools. The second concern that DeVos advocates privatizing education seems to be true. However, DeVos is an advocate of offering choice. In and of itself, choice is not a bad thing, but there are several considerations when it comes to education. Facts also indicate that DeVos believes everyone should have access to public or private education as they so choose. So... where, exactly does this leave DeVos on privatization... she supports it and upholds it, but, at the same time, seems to acknowledge that public education should also be included as an option.
Now, for some more positive information. Positive information was more difficult to locate as it was not as forth-coming. This information is not based on DeVos experience, but rather on her character. She does demonstrate many positive character traits in her activities and associations. DeVos is a self-proclaimed Christian who has supported many Christian causes and organizations, including Focus on the Family. Her support stems from her belief that children need to have a strong knowledge background. She believes that private, Christian schools are lacking in funding and support and need additional assistance. In a statement made by her husband, he brought the concept full-circle by explaining their desire to see churches taking an active role in education in that it would build up the family unit and the community. Secondly, DeVos has devoted over 30 years as an advocate for children. She is a voice for the underprivileged and believes that everyone should have excellent educational choices and not let their economic status determine the type of education they receive. She has especially been involved in efforts to help underprivileged children through philanthropic activity or leading organizations as the chairperson.
And lastly, what I consider to be neutral information. Betsy DeVos has demonstrated commitment and experience in the political world. She is the chairman of Windquest. This is a Michigan based investment firm. They invest in technology, industry, hospitality, manufacturing, and nonprofit solutions. She also serves as the chairman for the American Federation of Children and the Alliance for School Choice. DeVos also serves on 6 other boards.
My take: I'm still searching. Trying to be fair. My biggest concern is that she lacks actual classroom experience. I am a firm believer in experience. I don't like someone telling me how to teach that has never taught a day in their life. Those who have never taught don't really understand classroom dynamics. And, at times, they demonstrate a lack of respect for the ideas, practices, and opinions of those who have dedicated themselves to teaching.
My biggest pro is that she is an outspoken and unashamed Christian. I also like the fact that she thinks all children, regardless of their socioeconomic background, deserve an education, and is so active in children's causes. I am pleased that she agrees with her husband's words on building up the family unit because our kids need support and love at home.
If DeVos is confirmed, in order for her to be taken seriously and respected by educators, she will need to listen and learn from them.
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The Washington Post
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Betsy Devos
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Thank you for sharing. Very insightful.
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate this information. I saw a televised segment with one woman interviewing Devos about her qualifications.The only words I can think to describe the sitatuions was the interviewer was both rude and condescending. It was almost as if she were verbally beating her up. She would throw out a question in a nasty way and interrupt Devos answer. That's all I can think of to explain it. Whether she has experience or not, that is an unethical way to interview a candidate on television. So demeaning. I don't want someone to tell me how to teach or to create regulations regarding classroom situations but neither do i want someone to be blatantly disrespected. Thank you for showing me a more balanced picture of the situation.
ReplyDeletePerhaps you could do some research in Michigan in regards to what she has caused in my state. I have lived with the consequences of Betsy DeVos' cronyism. As a teacher, you should be shaking in your shoes right now, for both your student and yourself. You have no idea.
ReplyDeleteAs a former classroom teacher, now homeschool parent, I have been pleased with most of what I've heard about her. Like you, however, it is always somewhat troubling to have anyone in a leadership position who does not fully understand or have the experience of those they are leading. Mostly, I SO appreciated that you made an effort to seek out balanced information. This may be the most un-biased thing I've read in a long time. Well done!