Are Teachers Isolated?

Teaching is the loneliest profession (or is it?).  Teachers spend hours in the company of little people. They are often the only adult that they see until recess or lunch. Then they spend their plan (if they are fortunate to have one) preparing lessons and marking papers or changing the bulletin board. After school, they spend some time with their peers or talking to parents. And, then the drive home. Thinking about what to fix for supper, where do they need to take the kids tonight, or the lessons that they need to complete before tomorrow. After a day carrying on conversations in their own little world, they are hard pressed to carry on an adult conversation.  After a few hours of sleep, the cycle starts again with the ring of the alarm clock.  So are teachers lonely? Isolated?

I don't think so. Teachers are in a world of their own. Sure, we only talk to little people most of the day, but we thrive on these relationships. Teachers love "taking the stage" in their classrooms to make learning come alive for their kids. We live for building lasting bonds with our kids. We love the smiles and laughter and the moments that the lightbulbs go off. Thinking of a creative lesson puts a smile on our face.

Teachers do run the risk of becoming an island if they isolate themselves and don't take time to socialize with their peers or interact with students. There are days that becoming an island is a good thing- when we need to regroup or recharge. Then there are days that we need conversations to reconnect and stimulate our minds.

So, are we isolated?  Some may think so, but I love the unique world of education. It is a world of it's own, but it is the world that I find most comfortable.

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  1. I give you guys all the credit in the world. To me teaching is one of the hardest professions

  2. Thanks Jeremy! I couldn't agree more ! :)


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